Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Marriage Record of Harm Grashoff

This is a copy of the marriage record of Herman Grashoff and his first wife, Margarethe Elisabeth Schweke. You can see the translation below it. A very nice gentleman from Germany made copies of the local church records for me and sent me the photos of the Grashoff home and headstone. As you can see it states that Harm is the son of Joh Heinri and Adelh Lange. They were married October 13, 1851, in Reide, Germany. Harm would be the Great Great Grandfather of Frances Banset whose funeral was held today in Omaha, Nebraska.


  1. Don't you just love our genealogy angels that help us with long distance research in such a personal way. They are great.
    Theresa (Tangled Trees)

  2. Chaffin, you have done a good job. You have got the marriage records, this is your first experience. These are very crucial records.
